Experimenter (3 Levels) – Eating an ingredient reveals the first two, three, then all effects.Obviously, everyone has a different play style, but these perks generally tend to be useful for any alchemist: Players are only given one perk point after leveling up, so choosing wisely when it comes to Alchemy is imperative. Perks offer great benefits, but selecting the right ones is important. Restore Stamina: Torchbug Thorax + Pine Thrush Eggs (Scrib Jerky and Chokeweed are also recommended).Fortify Pickpocket: Orange Dartwing + Slaughterfish Egg (Kresh Fibers are also recommended).Fortify Sneak: Purple Mountain Flower + Beehive Husk (Kresh Fibers and Roobrushes are also recommended).Fortify Lockpicking: Falmer Ear + Namira's Rot (Worm's Head Caps are also recommended).Useful Potions For Thieves/Assassins (& Suggested Ingredients) Restore Magicka: Red Mountain Flower + White Cap (Elytra Ichor, Blister Pod Caps, and Lichor are also recommended).Fortify Restoration: Salt Pile + Abecean Longfin (Hackle-Lo Leaves and Yellow Mountain Flowers are also recommended).Fortify Illusion: Dwarven Oil + Taproot (Watcher's Eyes are also recommended).Fortify Alteration: River Betty + Spriggan Sap (Blind Watcher Eyes, Screaming Maws, and Sload Soap are also recommended).Fortify Conjuration: Blue Butterfly Wing + Blue Mountain Flower (Congealed Putrescence and Sload Soap are also recommended).Fortify Destruction: Glowing Mushroom + Beehive Husk (Comberries and Daedra Venin are also recommended).Useful Potions For Mages (& Suggested Ingredients) Restore Health: Butterfly Wing + Wheat (Ambrosia is also recommended).Fortify Archery: Canis Root + Juniper Berries (Corkbulb Roots are also recommended).Fortify Two-Handed: Dragon's Tongue + Fly Amanita (Hearts of Order are also recommended).Fortify One-Handed: Canis Root + Hanging Moss (Hearts of Order and Stoneflower Petals are also recommended).Fortify Carry Weight: Creep Cluster + River Betty (Coda Flowers, Kagouti Hides, Marshmerrows, and Worm's Head Caps are also recommended).Useful Potions For Warriors (& Suggested Ingredients) Alternatives in the form of suggested Creation Club/DLC ingredients are also given. The materials listed beside each potion are common ingredients that players shouldn't have too much trouble finding, which may be helpful for players who haven't prioritized Alchemy before. Several other ingredients can be combined to achieve the same result. It's worth noting that the suggested ingredients that accompany each of the following potions are just the tip of the iceberg. The following brews will prove useful for each of the broad Skyrim builds: Warriors, Mages, and Thieves/Assassins. Depending on one's playstyle, certain potions should be prioritized over others. However, not every potion in the game suits a player's needs. Regardless of a player's build, potions are going to be consumed at one point or another. This Skyrim Alchemy guide has been expanded to include a choice selection of potions (and their ingredients) that players unfamiliar with Alchemy may find useful. The aforementioned Anniversary Edition includes all Creation Club content, including dozens of new ingredients that can be used in crafting helpful potions and deadly poisons. Now has never been a better time to revisit the Dragonborn's trusty Alchemy lab. Now that the Anniversary Edition has been released, players possess the most complete version of Skyrim to date. The game is huge and is also backed up by a colossal modding community that has extended the RPG's longevity for over a decade. Updated by Mark Hospodar: Running out of things to do in Skyrim isn't a typical problem. With the right guidance and information, maxing out the Alchemy skill can be conquered in no time. Restorative potions can help ensure the Dragonborn is always in the best physical condition. Lethal poisons can down some enemies in seconds. However, for players who stick with it, Alchemy can be immensely rewarding. RELATED: Skyrim: Best Alchemy Recipes (& What They Do) Recipes need to be figured out and ingredients need to be located as well as collected before the brewing can begin. Like Smithing, the Alchemy skill requires patience that not every player may be willing to expend. Alchemy takes a long time to master in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim.